[物理与电子工程学院]  [手机版本]  [扫描分享]  发布时间:2022年5月5日




















2007.032012.12   哈尔滨工业大学,航天学院,物理电子学专业,博士研究生

2004.092007.06   东北师范大学物理学院,核技术及应用专业,硕士研究生

1997.092001.06   东北师范大学,物理系,物理学专业,本科


2020.08  四川轻化工大学    

2003.052020.07   哈尔滨商业大学

2001.062002.10   唐山市第二高级中学


国际SCI期刊Optics CommunicationsOptics  Laser Technology审稿专家 







1、Chen D Y*(导师), He P, Fan R W, Xia Y Q, Yu X, Wang J L, and Jiang Y G, Femtosecond Time-Resolved ERE-CARS of CV670 Dye in Solutions[J]. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, 116, 5881−5886. (SCI收录, IF=4.309)

2He P*, Wang M, Wang H L, Fan R W, Chen D Y, and Yu X, Measurements of the concentration of organic solutions by femtosecond time-resolved ERE-CARS[J]. Sci China-Phys Mech Astron(中国科学), 2012, 55(10):1808-1812. (SCI收录, IF=4.226)

3He P*, Wang H L, Fan R W, Chen D Y, Xia Y Q, Yu X, Wang J L, and Jiang Y G, Terahertz beats of vibrational modes in methanol and ethanol selectively excited by fs-CARS technique[J]. Sci China-Phys Mech Astron(中国科学), 2012, 55(12): 2351-2356. (SCI收录IF=4.226)

4He P, Li S N, Fan R W, Xia Y Q, Yu X, Yao Y, and Chen D Y*, Molecular dynamics in low vibrational states investigated by fs time-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy technique[J]. Optics Communications, 2011, 284: 46774682. (SCI收录IF=2.215)

5He P, Fan R W, Chen D Y*, Li X H, Xia Y Q, Yu X, Wang J L, and Jiang Y G, Femtosecond time-resolved ERE-CARS of PM650[J]. Optics Communications, 2012, 285: 32843288. (SCI收录IF=2.215).

6He P, Fan R W, Chen D Y*, Li X H, Xia Y Q, Yu X, and Yao Y, Ultrafast time-resolved coherent degenerate four-wave-mixing spectroscopy for investigating molecular dynamics in different states[J]. Optics & Laser Technology, 2011, 43: 14581461. (SCI收录IF=3.233)

7He P, Li S, Fan R W, Li X H, Xia Y Q, Yu X, and Chen D Y*, Selective excitation of molecular mode in a mixture by femtosecond resonance-enhanced coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering spectroscopy[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2012, 21(2): 027801. (SCI收录,IF=1.469)

8He P, Fan R W, Xia Y Q, Yu X, Yao Y, and Chen D Y*, Femtosecond Time-Resolved Resonance-Enhanced CARS of Gaseous Iodine at Room Temperature[J]. Chinese Physics Letter, 2011,28(4):047804. (SCI收录,IF=1.066)

9He P*, Wang H L, et al, Solid-state laser based on PMMA doped with Coumarin 540A[J].Optics & Laser Technology, 2012, 44: 341343. (SCI收录,IF=3.233)

10He P*, Wang H L, et al, Cavity-dumped electro-optical Q-switched Nd:GdVO4 laser with high repetition rate[J]. Optics & Laser Technology, 2012, 44: 631634. (SCI收录,IF=3.233)

11Fan R W, He P(与第一作者同等贡献), Chen D Y*, Xia Y Q, Yu X, Wang J L, and Jiang Y GEffects of the air pressure on the wave-packet dynamics of gaseous iodine molecules at room temperature[J]. Optics & Laser Technology, 2013, 45: 540-544. (SCI收录,IF=3.233)

12YANG C B*, He P*(与第一作者同等贡献), Escofet-Martin D, Peng J B, et alThe impact of input field characteristics on vibrational femtosecond coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering thermometry[J]. Applied Optics, 2018, 57(2), 197-206. (SCI 收录,IF=1.961 )

13He P*, Wang G M, Zhang Y, Wang H L, Han K, Fan R W, and Chen D Y, Vibrational vave-packet dynamics in CV670 investigated by broadband femtosecond TR-CARS spectroscopy[J]. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 2018, 96 ,106-109. (SCI 收录,IF=1.917)

14He P*, Cao H, Xu J L, Ye G C, Zhou Z J, Fan R W, and Chen D Y, Study on organic molecular vibrational dynamics by TR-box-CARS spectroscopy[J]. Optics Communications2022508127817. (SCI 收录,IF=2.310)

15Wu M T, Guo B, Zhao Q L, He P, Zeng Z Q, and Zang J, The influence of the ionization regime on femtosecond laser beam machining mono-crystalline diamond,Optics and Laser Technology[J]. 2018,103,34-39. (SCI 收录 IF=3.319)

16Wu M T, Guo B, Zhao Q L, He P, Precision grinding of a microstructured surface on hard and brittle materials by a microstructured coarse-grained diamond grinding wheel[J]. Ceramics International, 2018, 44 , 80268034. (SCI 收录,IF=3.45 )

17Wu M T, Guo B, Zhao Q L, Zhang J, Fang X Y, and He P, High efficiency precision grinding of micro-structured SiC surface using laser micro-structured coarse-grain diamond grinding wheel[J]. Interantional Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-green Technology, 2018, Print ISSN 2288-6206. (SCI收录,IF=4.561)

18Wang J, He PChen C Y, Shao Y B, Han J, Gao Y C*, Nonlinear absorption and the ultrafast dynamic process of Au-Ag nanoshuttles[J]. OSA Continuum, 2020, 3(9), 2485-2492(SCI 收录,IF=1.864)

19Xia Y Q, Zhao Y, Zhang T T, He P, Fan R W, Dong Z W, Chen D Y, and Zhang Z H. Measurements of Flame Temperature by Femtosecond CARS[J]. Chinese Optics Letters, 2012, S13002.SCI收录,IF=1.907)

20Ye G C, Fan R W, Chen Z D, Yuan W, Chen D Y, He P. Range Accuracy Analysis of Streak Tube Imaging Lidar Systems[J]. Optics Communications, 2016, 360: 7-14. (SCI收录,IF=1.961)

21Ye G C, Fan R W, Chen Z, D Xu X R, He P, Chen D Y*, Effect of time bin size on accuracy of streak tube imaging lidar[J]. Chinese Optics Letters, 2016, 14(2),021101. (SCI 收录,IF=1.907)

22Ye G C, Wang W*, Fan D P, He P, Effects of femtosecond laser micromachining on the surface and substrate properties of poly-lactic acid (PLA)[J]. Applied  Surface Science, 2021, 538,148117. (SCI 收录,IF=6.707)

23贺平,边莉,贾福全,谷德山,用2.5MeV中子进行水泥生料元素含量研究[J]. 核电子学与探测技术,2010, 30(07), 983-985. (北大核心)


1、 生态科学与飞秒激光技术研究中心,中央财政专项,2013.05-2016.12,经费670万元,主持。

2、 水质监测技术和设备,哈尔滨市科技创新人才研究专项基金(青年后备人才项目)2015.01-2017.12经费5万主持。

3、 有机激光染料分子内超快动力学的TR-CARS光谱研究,哈尔滨商业大学,经费5万2013.06-2016.12,主持

4、 硬脆轴对称微结构表面的皮秒激光-超精密磨削链技术研究,委托方:哈尔滨工业大学,国家自然科学基金面上项目(合作)2016.04-2019.04,经费5万元,主持。

5、 有机激光介质的光学特性测试 ,委托方: 中国民航大学,天津市自然科学基金(合作),2016.04-2019.04,经费1.44万元,主持。

6、 飞秒相干喇曼时间分辨分子光谱研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2009.1-2011.12,经费30万主研

7、 利用飞秒时间分辨CARS光谱研究分子内超快动力学与火焰测温,国家自然科学基金面上项目2013.01-2016.12,经费78万元,主研。


8、 飞秒激光二维傅里叶电子光谱,哈尔滨工业大学创新基金2010.01-2012.12,经费5万元,主研。








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